Already have an account? or else, create an account:
- Make sure you enter a valid email address, as you will receive an automated email.
- In that email, click on the button to activate your account. If you don't, you will not be able to login after today.
- If you don't see such an email in your inbox within about 10 minutes after creating your account, please check your spam box.
How to enrol for a course
Once you have activated your account:
- Go to our website,
- On that screen, you will see an orange button "Login". Click on it.
- Complete the sign-in screen.
- A list of courses will appear.
- Scroll to 0010 Learn how to use Didasko.
- On that screen you will see a "Enrol" button.
- Click on it, and follow the menus and instructions.
If you have trouble with these steps, please ask someone who knows computers / the internet to help you.